Reasons To Be On An Upgrade Plan

An Upgrade Plan is an annual service that provides software upgrades, updates and hot fixes for all Adagio modules. An Upgrade Plan ensures that you always have the most current releases of Adagio, and may take advantage of all the new features as they become available. Purchasing an upgrade for an Adagio module that is not on an Upgrade Plan can be more expensive than the cost of the annual plan, depending on the version of module that is being upgraded.

What do Adagio users get when they are on an upgrade plan?

  • The latest version of Adagio - the most up-to-date, with the most features.
  • You will be notified when bugs are fixed and a Service Pack is on the web.
  • You can post questions in the restricted area of Softrak's forum_ico Technical Support Forum
  • Newer versions of Adagio will support newer versions of Microsoft Windows (usually upgraded about once a year).
  • A regular annual fee is easier to budget than an exceptional expense (if you need to upgrade from several versions ago).
  • New capabilities in Windows can only be exploited by newer versions of Adagio.
  • You can provide direct input into new features planned for the next release. 

How do I get on an Upgrade Plan?