App Quick Start Guide


  1. AOC2017 App Download:

    1. Launch the App Store (Apple) or Google Play Store (Androide) located in your app menu.

    2. Search for ‘AOC 2017’.

    3. Select the ‘AOC 2017’ app and tap ‘Install’

    4. Once installed, you will find the ‘AOC 2017’ app icon on your menu screen.

  2. AOC2017 App Setup:<

    1. Launch the AOC app from your app menu. 

    2. Under ‘Current and Upcoming’ you will find ‘Adagio Opportunity Conference 2017’. Tap ‘Download’.

    3. Enter the event password: Contact for the event password and tap ‘Download Event’.

    4. You may be asked about receiving “push notifications from Softrak.” You should click “OK”.

      You will need to log in to have access to the conference materials for AOC 2017. See App Personalization below.


  3. App Personalization:

    1. You can log into the app to schedule your sessions, connect with other attendants and more! Tap on ‘Log in for more features’ located on the top left of the app screen.

      • Enter the First and Last name you used to register.
      • A verification code will be sent to the email you used for registration. Enter this code and tap ‘Verify’.
    2. Scheduling Your Sessions:

      • If you wish to create a list of your scheduled sessions (click + sign next to desired session), you can do so even if not logged in—simply ignore the message where you need to login.
      • Should you wish to sync the app schedule to your own personal calendar, you will need to setup your preferred email account on the tablet.